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The City of Akron's Mayors Office claims this is not a hate crime!
Supporting Documents
See section 1 below for more photo information and history.


Ask a bigot why they do what they do, and one of the key answers is

 "I had to"

with no explanation but

"I had to".

When the police finally do tell them to leave us along, many of them say

“We will do what we want” or “We will continue to harass them till they move”

It appears the City of Akron Prosecutors Office is ok with those statements, however, it appears the Prosecutor gets all bent out of shape if one ask them if they are being a little one sided.

It is hard to believe that the guy with his hand in the air shouting at the police officer looks like an old neighbor that moved to Wadsworth, Ohio. He looks like Mike Lott.  The other women looks like Tracey Jones and her daughters friends.


Why would a truck like his be parked in front of our home in the wrong direction when he claims he is visiting other neighbors who do not have any cars in front of their homes and empty drive ways.   An interesting story could be made out of this photo such as, lets say that this guy telling the police officer that if he doesn’t go away, he will contact his friends in high places at the City of Akron.  This guy carried on for 15 minutes or more crying like and acting like a big baby and compiling about the a police officer he did not know showed up when we called as he threatens the police officer job. This outstanding and fine police officer, who is not normally in this area, stood his ground and made this guy leaves.


Interesting enough, I heard via networking that this officer was not treated well the next day, by the City of Akron; for upholding the law!  I have lived in Akron my entire life.  Like my father would not know anyone! Ya, right.


And the 30 year old female in the home page picture is in the middle of the photo, who sent children and other family members children to camp in front of the occurrence in front of our home thinking that if there are children in the photo, we are not allowed to take the photos as alleged child stalkers by photographing.


One could speculate that regardless that they are on public property out in the public, but the 30 year old female thinks that if children are around, photos can not be taken.


After the FBI was contacted, some local authorities finally started to come around and question people, and some of the hate group members that spread to over 20 houses. I believe some of their responses were “I am trying to protect my children” but at the same time sends children out to harass us.

Section 1: Supporting photos:


1. Hate Crimes:


Hate Graffiti in front of our home facilitated, by people that look like the residence of 1074 Breckenridge Street, Akron, Ohio, 44310:


Police officers were going to report it as a hate crime with the residence present and harassing us in front of the officers, however their leadership told them not to.


Someone that looks like Tracey Jones of 1074 Breckenridge Street and someone that looks like Robert Brunson of 1066 Breckenridge Street standing in front of our home giving us the middle fingerer after they had committed another menacing by stalking crime:


2. False alligations of fear:


Someone that look like Tracey Jones cliams that we are a  threat to her children and her children fear us, however, were does this Tracey look a like put all of the kids toys.  Alone her garage facing our home.


Some kids that look like Tracey Jones children and other peoples children visiting someone that looks like Tracey Jones are placed on the side walk in front of our home while someone that looks like Mike Lott from Wadsworth, Ohio is being asked to stop harassing us and leave the area.  I understand that this officer was later treated poorly and unprofessionally at the police office for trying to help us.


The hate group members also use their children to do the harassing and punish their children if they disobey being told to do something wrong.  At the same time, the hate group members cry to police to protect their children.


3. Who started the vedio recording and photos first?


As part of the harassment, someone that looks like Tracey Jones and an unknown visitor of the Tracey look a like have video recorders.  They video record us coming and leaving and even try to video record through our windows of our home.  A person that looks like Gorge (Chris) Delong stands in front of our home verbally harassing us while drinking beer.  We did not get our video recorder until a year after this event.  However, the Akron City Prosecutor tells us that the reason why we are being harassed is because we use cameras.  The head of the Proctors office, Douglas (Powelly?) is more concerned about the alleged “…hurt feelings…” of the criminals because we took their pictures doing crimes.  But it appears (Powelly?)  is not concerned about the crimes in the first place that were going on for us to take photos in the first place.  Steward Baker of the Prosecutor's office claims they can do what ever they want, including threading to kill us, etc. because "... you took photos of them ..." and "... I think the problem is your not letting children be children..." (wow, were did Staward get his law degree?)


4. More harrasment:


Year three of harassment consisted of someone that looks like Tracey Jones putting harassing signs on the side of our property every day:


5. Nose, air, and light polution into and under an elderly widows home:


Someone that looks like Tracey Jones tossing smoke bombs under a elderly ladies window from Tracey Jones porch.  At night, all night they would point a flood like directly in the elders window, and put stereo speakers blaring three feet in front of the window during the day, set off their car alarm under the window off an on at night, put I wish you to get sick and die Voodoo faces on the side of their home facing our elders window, etc.  Voodoo, from someone that looks like the daughter of someone that looks like Linda Delong I think is a Sunday school teacher at the Akron Baptist Temple and real estate agent for Coldwell Banker.  After the voodoo went up, the elder became since and was placed into a nursing home.


The yellow tape across the yard says, "...warning old bag ..."  We also have a photo of someone that looks like Rachael Brunson who is an employee of the City of Akron putting up the same tape on the other side of the property, sandwiching our home between hatred and bigotry.  It appears that people that look like city employees who working the Housing/Zonning Department can do this type of stuff and the Mayor office is ok with it.  (Oh, you would think they know the City ordnances not to work on their cars in the residential are, or do they think that they can do what ever they want?)


6. Getting the community to start mobbing in front of our home and trying to block passage to and from our drive way.


7. Who is stalking?


Photo of my wife putting in a flower garden for her Mother and her home while someone that looks like Tracey Jones is stalking us from the bushes of the Brunson’s back yard.  My wife is trying not to laugh for the stalker is so consumed with her attention on us, the stalker did not see I had a camera in my garden bucket.


8. As we would do things to bring beauty to our home and increase the property value, as noted by on there other side of the fence, someone would pile up all their junk and trash next to our property.  When we had good qualified home buyers view the home, the neighbors would try to scare them off.  I thought they wanted us to move?  Oh wait, it was to move and leave them the home instead.  That is right!


9. More to come


Section 2: Transcript of tape from November 5, 2003.


[There was screaming in the background, coming form outside in our front yard]


Joe:  What is wrong?

Tracey:  I asked, why are you recording my kids?

Joe:  I wasn’t.  I was recording the leaves.

Tracey:  The kids just came in and said you were out here recording them.

Joe:  One of them stooped and got in the middle of the camera and said you hate us, so I can’t help it.

Tracey:  Excuse me, I just have a question, I just blew them all back in there, didn’t I? [She was referring to the leaves she blew into our yard earlier in the day with her blower]

Joe:  Blew what?

Tracey:  Blew the leaves back.

Joe:  Don’t worry about it; I will take care of it.

Tracey:  You have no right to record my children, that is called Isn’t, ha shit!

Joe:  I don’t know, you know the laws.

Tracey:  Ya, I wish you knew the laws, I can tell you that right now.

Tracey:  I mean are you aha, let’ssay.

Joe:  What? Are you upset because your child said…

Tracey:  I know you’re recording every bit of this, but I do not care.

Joe:  What, are you upset that your kid told us you hate us?

Tracey:  If my child said that, oh well. 

Joe:  OK.

Tracey:  There is nothing I can say about what my child said.

Joe:  [Going back into the house and waving good-bye, to end the conversation]

Tracey:  Ya, whatever, you don’t say much, you just call the police or whatever.

Tracey:  [Screaming] Asshole.

[We had the windows and doors closed, and the TV on]

Lynn:  She said you’re a ho, Joe?  How did you become a ho?

[TV in background.]

Lynn:  She is still out there on our property. Why are you not taking a picture of her still on our property?  She is not supposed to be on my mom’s property.

[I went back outside to continue recording the event.]

Tracey:  Did you get it?

Joe:  Ya, I got it.

Tracey:  All right, I am so glad, please call the officer.

Joe:  Yea, I got your harassing, I’m asking...

Tracey:  I am asking you a simple question.

Joe:  I am now asking you to leave.

Lynn: [Coming out onto the side stoop of the house.]

Tracey:  I don’t have to leave, it’s a sidewalk.

Joe:  Call the police [ to Lynn]

Lynn:  OK, that’s fine.

[Tracey’s child got into the camera shot and I tried to keep the child out of the film]

Joe:  Call the police, she is calling us asshole ...

Lynn: No, no, no, you don’t have to leave, Tracey...

Tracey: I do not have to leave, it’s a sidewalk [COPS division informed her that she can stand on the sidewalk in front of the house and scream obscenities at us]

Tracey: (interrupting)

Lynn:  You don’t have to leave, Tracey.

Tracey: (interruptive)

Lynn:  Tracey, you know what, your kids can play in the street, that is fine...

Tracey: (interruptive)

Joe:  She wanted to know why I was recording her kid on the...

Tracey: (interruptive)

Lynn:  Maybe he is practicing.  [We just got the recorder and it was out of the box five minutes before this taping]

Tracey: (interruptive)

Joe:  I told her I could not help it if her kid stopped...

Tracey: (Interruptive)

Lynn:  He is allowed, he is allowed.

Tracey: (Interruptive)

Joe:  Well, yeah.

Lynn:  He is allowed in his front yard, this front yard, this front yard.  Your kids are allowed in the street.  He is allowed in his front yard.

Tracey: (Interruptive)

Lynn:  Will call the police to—

Tracey: (Interruptive)

Joe:  Lynn

Lynn:  —Find out if he is not allowed in his driveway

Tracey: (Interruptive)

Joe:  Lynn

Lynn:  We’ll see if he is not allowed in his driveway.

Joe:  Go ahead and call them.

Joe:  We’ll find out if I am not allowed to be in my own property.

[Whistle blown from Robert Jones’ home. Robert was out front with his family.  Robert had already made it known he didn’t want to hear or see us, because he thought my type of people brought down the property value of the neighborhood]

 [Lynn inside calling the police]

[Brunson boys walked past after Tracey Jones’ boy left]

Tracey:  You’re allowed to stand there, and you’re allowed to record us, but you know what, it is bullshit, you are recording my children.  That is what you do, you harass my children... [slander]

[Tracey Jones’ kid]

Tracey: I come back at you... [evidence of admitting to crime.]

Tracey:  ...and you get all pissed and you think you’re going to be able to do something about it.  I have been to the prosecutors, I have been everywhere, there is nothing you can do.  Everything I have done is completely legal.

Joe:  No it is not.

Tracy:  Yes it is.

Joe:  No it is not.

Tracey:  Name one thing that I have not done that is not legal...

Joe:  Harassing people is not legal?

Tracey:  Excuse me?

Joe:  Harassing people is not legal?

Tracey:  But the officer you spoke with a month ago one night said I am not harassing you.  [I have no clue what she was referring to, for she made up stories sometimes.]

Tracey:  The prosecutor said I am not harassing you. [I had never been told that or heard that.]

Joe:  Well, I am asking you, you or you know, to leave, please.

Tracey: Because...

Joe:  Because if you don’t leave, you’re threatening us.

Tracey:  How did I threaten you?

Joe: Your presence right now

Tracey:  You wish...

Joe: Your presence by harassment.

Tracey:  You wish I threaten, that is what you’re begging for so that you can sue us so that you can get some money so that you do not have to live off her mother-in-law.  [Slander, verbal and mental harassment common with Tracey. Note: she said “threaten” because she knew that was another thing they did, and she used one of the slanderous statements she went around the neighborhood with—there was no evidence of us living off my mother-in-law; Tracey knew that I was overseas on deployment and was scheduled to leave again.  Tracey knew Lynn returned to the house while I was out on active duty to try to help her mother after Lynn’s father died. This was pure verbal and mental abuse from Tracey.]

Joe:  Keep talking, Tracey, you’re just making yourself, you’re just making it worse for yourself.

Tracey:  No, I am not, because I have three prosecutors that back me on everyone I say.

Joe: Oh, what their names?

Tracey:  I have...

Joe:  What’s their names?

Tracey:  The three that was in the room.

Joe:  What is their names, Tracey?

Tracey: The three…

Joe:  Are they all there now?  They are not all there now.  What’s their names?

Tracey: One moved up.

Joe:  What’s their names?

[Light from house across the street came on; Tracey was disturbing the neighborhood, making a lot of loud noise and yelling obscenities, and had not left as asked.]

Tracey: [Reply not clear]

Joe:  No he did not, he is not there anymore. What’s their names and how did they back you?

Tracey:  He did not go anywhere… [Rest of reply not clear]

Joe:  How did they back you without charging us with anything?

Tracey:  No what I am saying is you decided you have enough on recording, I have.  I have two police officers, I have a COPS guy... [No one has explained to me why she was so sure of herself]

Joe:  I do not care what you have, you have harassment that you are putting on us.

Tracey:  I am not harassing.

Joe:  Yes you are.

Tracey:  With my kids around with a camera usually, now you went out and bought a tape recorder...

Joe:  Yeah, so I can get you.

Tracey: So what?

Joe:  You’re harassing me right now

Tracey:  I’m not harassing you.

Joe:  Yes you are.

Tracey:  I am trying to have a conversation.

Joe:  You came knocking on our door, harassing us.

Tracey:  Yes, I came and knocked on your door to ask...

Joe:  You came on our property after you have been told not to trespass

Tracey:  I was never told not to trespass ing

Joe:  Well, you’re being told now, do not trespass.

Tracey:  OK, I can do that.

Joe:  Do not harass, go away.

Tracey:  I am not harassing you

Joe:  Yes you are.

Tracey:  You’re the one that follows us from the back yard to the front yard with my children.

Joe:  Yeah, that is bullshit, Tracey, you know you lie.

Tracey:  You’re the one that followed my child all last week.

Joe:  Also slander is a lie, slandering, telling people lies about us.

Tracey:  I...

Joe:  That is against the law too.

Tracey: I ain’t every lied about you, I tell all the truths.

Joe:  Yeah, right!  [In a discussed in her lies tone]

Joe:  You just can’t keep to yourself, can you?

Tracey:  Excuse me, do I have cameras that I walk around the house, taking picture out my window?

Joe:  You have your little...

Joe:  I got you on film doing that!

Tracey:  Doing what?

Joe:  With your camcorder, now I have one. You have a problem with that?

Tracey:  What, when I was outside and camcorder your back yard with my camcorder, to show how blew the leaves were? [She was making an assumption that I had recorded my back yard leaves, not the ones in front in the street that the kids had scattered all over the street.]

[Across the street, the inside light went off.]

Joe:  Tracey, I do not know what your problem is, I told you I would put the leaves back in the yard, which I did not blow in the first place, no big deal, but you want to make a big scene out of it.

Tracey:  That is not what you said.

Joe:  Oh, what did I say?

Tracey:  And your wife even came out and said, I got a picture of you.

Joe:  Oh well, maybe because you’re acting like a child.

Tracey: No.

Joe: Tracey, right now you’re the one that is...

Tracey:  You move into...

Joe:  Tracey, you’re the one that is harassing us right now, either leave the property, leave the area, please.

Tracey:  No, I do not have to leave, I am not in your property.

Joe:  You came to our door.

Joe:  You knocked on our door and you yelling at the house, that harassing us.  I am asking you to stop. 

Tracey:  I do not harassing you.

Joe:  I got you on film right now doing that.

Tracey:  You said my kid was on your car the other day, so why did you not come to my door and knock on it to tell me that...

Joe:  We talked to Officer Kolic about that.

Tracey: Ha.

Joe:  We already called in Officer Kolic about that to talk to you because you’re impossible to talk to.

Tracey:  But you cannot walk next door like we agreed to in the Prosecutor’s Office

Joe:  Ah, no, we did not agree to that, you said you will not do that, you refused to.

Tracey:  I said I will deal with you.

Joe:  No, you said you wanted to deal with Terry.

Joe:  Remember the words.

Tracey:  I am not dealing with your wife.

Joe:  I’m telling you right now that you are harassing me.

Tracey:  Hey, how you doing, Rob.

Joe:  And you’re involving other people to harass us.

Tracey:  I am talking to the neighbor.

Joe:  Well, you’re involving other people to harass me. If you want to go talk to them, go over and talk to them.

Joe:  That is your game, Tracey, involve other people to do your harassment.

Tracey: Excuse me?

Joe:  That is your game; involve other people to do your harassment.

Tracey:  Oh, but wait a minute, this couple years ago where it all started…

Joe:  Ya, where it all started!

Tracey:  Where was the problem, on this side of the property? [Indicating the Brunsons’ home]

Joe:  Oh, was it really?

Tracey:  Then on that side.

Tracey:  Then the house up the street.  [I have no clue whom she is referring to, and later found out that she went over to another neighbor’s home, stirring up trouble with lies.]

 [Lynn came out after talking to the police]

Tracey:  Do you hear me?

Joe: Come out yet.

Lynn:  The police said you allowed to record her, just do not say anything.

Joe:  OK.

Joe:  The police said I am allowed to record her, but I am not supposed to say anything.

Lynn: Yes.

Tracey:  I am asking you a question, I do not get an answer?

Joe:  I was just told by the police that I am allowed to record you but I cannot say anything.

[Tracey’s kids in film again]

Tracey:  Oh, now you’re not going to go to where it all started.

Tracey:  God forbid it is all back on you.

Tracey:  You harassed them. [Pointing to Robert]

Tracey:  Then you when to me. [Pointing to her home]

Tracey:  Then you went to them neighbor across the street. [I later found out she involved a person on the corner]

Tracey:  That is called stalking, following me with a camera.

Tracey:  Yeah, I back off too.

Joe:  Sorry, Robert.

Robert Brunson:  No problem.


Time elapsed was 7 minutes and 15 seconds.


I followed up on what Tracey said about her alleged story that we were harassing another household that we had no contact with.  I found out that Tracey Jones was going around the neighborhood, drumming up hatred with false stories and false statements that we were a threat to everyone.  I informed them that I did not mean them any harm and Tracey Jones was just a liar, who for some reason was trying to kick my elderly mother-in-law out of her home, for she wanted the property.


Some of Tracey’s statements were supported by the lack of local  authorities administrating the law on her actions.  They Tracy had a complete disregard not only for law and order, but also City ordinances. They were constantly operating an automotive repair and trailer fabrication shop in a residential neighborhood.  Our home would become full of their gas, paint and other fumes.  The noise was excessive and constant.  They had more vehicles on their property than they were allowed and parked vehicles in the street for months, breaking overtime parking ordinances.  They piled up junk along the property line near our home, making the area look like a junkyard, while they landscaped the rest of the yard.  They complained that we were some type of threat to their children, but they sent their children over to our yard and space, and to play in the street in front of our home.  While supervised, they played around our car and hit it with toys and other things.  The Joneses displayed a complete lack of moral upbringing in their own children.


Section 3: Some police report information - Publice Record:

In the research paper, it claims that some people say the harassment is our own fault for taking photos and calling the police. Thus, based on their philology, the ones that call the police a lot, or have a lot of calls and reports are the ones that are wrong. Well, based on that philology, lets take a look at what calls and things others did in the following collection of data sets and notes. I invite the reader to leave a blog comment about the readers thoughts after looking over this information.

Blog comments can be read and left at

Thank you

After the J. family moved in, many police reports and calls started, at first unrelated to us, such as multiple thefts such as incident report 00-027864 dated 8/14/00. There was a rash of burglaries to cars and including my sister-in-laws car was also broken into on 8/14/00 and no one in our home called the police about it.

Even though we were accused by the J. of calling the police a lot and first, our calls about the subject related to this story was 8 April 2002.  As seen from the call log, a long history of calls was made by others.  When we made calls on and after 8 April 2002, they were about serious problem such as death threats, etc.  Some of the offensive peoples calls were different as found in police report number 03-27547: In this report was filed because T. J. called the police on us with allegations that we took her hate crime signs.

“On this date, victim stated that she placed annoying signs in her driveway to aggravate the suspect. Victim then stated that the suspect stole said signs. Victim places signs on the property line of the suspects home and victims driveway. *Related to report #03-27558 It should be known that there were no independent witnesses to said theft. R/O conducted a canvass of the neighborhood, but there were no witnesses. This is an ongoing neighborhood dispute.”

What is interesting about this event is that T. J. did not present any video coverage that she claims she has going on 24/7 from some type of surveillance camera on her property pointing into the direction this allag3ed occurrence happened.  (Please refer to next police call-Incident number 4112274 “has it on video tape, wants officer to see it” ). I think that it was not presented for the truth would be presented, which included trespassing not on our part. T. is 30 year old women that put these signs in our property.

Incident number 4112274 on 06/09/04 via Tracy J. of an overtime parking complaint on Joe R:

“Parking over an hour/wants it chalked/ belongs to Joe R/ vehicle dropped off at 2:00 AM/ and they left in a taxe caller has it on video tape, wants officer to see it, adv of delay”

Police Report number: 04-6680 via T. J. on 3-5-04

“The reporter states that the subject listed in the suspect section drives by her house. She states that he sometimes parks down the street with his lights out.” Suspect “________, Joseph” with unknown address.

Please note that like some other reports, our names are down as suspects when things occur, even when we were not seen in the area, however, when people like T. J. are seen in the area of an occurrence/crime we report, their names do not show up as suspects as in the following report were their was criminal damage found that required trespassing while peoples voices that sounded like R. B. and T. J. were heard while threats were being made.   Our family members at the time were home stayed in the house away from the windows until the police came.

Police Report Number 04-016960 via Janet R on 05-30-04 at 0500am:

“Victim states their was a party of her neighbors a couple houses down. Stated the party need up next door to her house, later in the morning stated an unknown susp(s) used an unknown object, and broke out the exterior light bulb and lt cover. Officer advised the neighbors next door, no witnesses to the damaged property”

Also interesting note and question is what were the people of the party still doing out at 5 in the morning?

Report number 04-7859 (not an incident report) is the only newspaper story that I am aware of that even made about the entire years of problems:

Akron Beacon Journal, Sunday, March 28, 2004, crime watch section: “A 30-year-old Breckenridge Street woman called police on March 16 to report that her ex-neighbor drove by her house at 2 p.m. The woman told police that the man’s mother lives next door to her but that the event bothered her and she wanted it documented.”

That day I went to my mother-in-laws home to shovel her snow while ignoring the mocking comments from the neighbor’s at their home that made the police call.

Others who hung around in this group that harassed us also made their calls:

Incident number: 2187051 on 09/22/02, from B. B. of 1088 Breckenridge Street: “A red car and left it and she is concerned since she did not see them or where they went. See the called and she can point the car out.”

B. B. years later is on one of my videos being talked to by police officer who is telling a crowd of people to leave us along, but the B. look alike keep saying, “We will do what we want”

Police Call Log:

A call log of 1074 Breckenridge Street from 6/13/96 (the year J. moved in) to 6/30/03; there is more after that period and more at their old address prior to 6/13/96.

06/13/96 12-MAKE A REPORT


08/03/99 2-MEET A PARTY

10/14/99 12AT-12 AUTO THEFT


08/14/00 12T-REPORT ON THEFT (AGAIN!)02/16/01 12-MAKE A REPORT

07/20/01 2-MEET A PARTY

10/21/01 2-MEET A PARTY








Police report #02-0100026 via Janet R, on 04/08/02 about suspects titled UNK at 1066 Breckenridge street even after we names who it was:

“Victim “1 is staying at above location taking care of her elderly mother. Victime #1 stated that she and her husband, Victim #2, are having problems with the neighbor, suspect. Victims 1 & 2 stated that suspect threatened to burn the house down and kill them. Victims stated that this was an ongoing problem.”

Incident number: 3260650 via T. J. on 12/26/03:

“ref problem with neighbor (04DBH) STS they have a camera aided (04DBH) at their house (04DBH) P.D…. Caller states neighbor is filming them W/A vedeo camera from his side window.”

No one came to our home.

On 12/30/03 when I called in to find out what was reported, I asked the police department to come out and see the truth that we blocked the window with reflective paper because T. J. was pointing a flood light directly in our window all night, for days. I suspected she was attempting to make the police department take down the light barrier so that she can continue to harries us.

As seen in incident number 3262854, it appears according to officer Iverson, the officer, Flaherty, Shea F. informed T. that there was no evince of cameras and that noting was being done illegally, thus the officer claimed there was no reason to examine the inside of the room that had the window blocked off.

“Say someone made a rept (03DJW) ref him and a camera. (03DJW) however looking at the PI’s no rept was taken @1074 Breckenridge St…Org Flaherty just adv’s that caller. (03DJW) Now caller want to talk to an OFR about the situation (03DJW)

Incident report number 4138748 via T. J. on 7/12/04:

“this call is reference the neighbor at 1070 Breckenridge videotaping her 7 and 9 Y/O children while they were outside in the street wearing their bathing suits,,, already referred multiple times to the city prosecutor office about this, she states that they wont help. Clearing advised multiple reports taken already referred to the prosecutors officer”

Incident number 4115553 via T. J. on 6/13/04 about animal bites als:

“caller said her son had a big, dog bite out of his leg and then said she was talking to someone else and hung up noting further, Fire indecent number 415689, son bit in leg/can see muscle calling from cellphone … owners of dog OW/Dog contained M10 on Scene”

It was not our dog who we have behind a fence. It was up the street.

Some calls were made, unrelated to use, were I believe the J. use to live at their mothers property at 2047 20 St SW:


Incident report 97-022258 on 01/23/97, via T. J. with address of 1074 Breckenridge Av: It ended up being a misdemeanor warrant nature with incident location changed from 20 St. SW/Kenmore Bld.

Incident report 6208175 via J. J. on 09/28/96 for a suspicious person and vehicle states “Keeps driving up and down the street poss. Casing.”

Incident number 6156048 on 07/24/96 via Tracy J. which is a neighbor dispute and verbal fight

Incident report 96-034188 via T. J. on 10/17/96 on burglary to home.

Incident report 96-012871 via T. J. on 4/29/96 with suspect of J.ery J. of a family offenses, nonviolent with suspect using drugs/narcotics:

“Victim stated that she got into an argument w/her husband, J.. Victim stated that the susp pushed her down & started punching on her, but she was not sure where she hit. Victim stated she started kicking the susp in the face area when she was pushed down. Victim had no visible injuries. Unable to determine the aggressor in the domestic.

Some of the call log at this home:














10/03/99 2-MEET A PARTY


12/18/98 Aptdown 10b-fight * no injuries














A short police log of other property related to J.:

1000 W Waterloo Road (rental property):

07/29/03 12T-REPORT ON THEFT

08/21/01 2-MEET A PARTY

07/15/01 2-MEET A PARTY





03/08/00 2-MEET A PARTY







 Section 4: Other events:

1.  Someone used the mail as a form of harassment too:

Post card sent to us from known address titled Indiana at night with postage stamp of Batesville AR725, 2003. It was addressed to Joe and Lynn and said “Love thy Neighbor. God said it. He meant it!” The back of the post card showed a lot of eye looking creates dark. People that look like R. B. would call us batty neighbors along with much more harsher words before and after that post card came to an address that only the neighbors knew we were at and only two people at my National Guard Unit.

I think someone has the massage wrong, for according to the Bible I know, Jesus said “Love thy Neighbor” and as explained in the book, when it was asked to Jesus “Who is they Neighbor?”. He did not refer to the person that lives next door to you, but the person that takes time to help you, not hurt you. Doesn’t anyone know that famous story name? I do. Who sent that post card appears to be uneducated about the Bible and trying to cite its words incorrectly.

Other biblical facts: A person could say that we should leave some things along and give it to God to take care of. This is true, to a degree. Could someone tell me were in the bible it also says that if we let someone sine and act incorrectly without attempting to stop them, help them stop, or tell them they are wrong, then the sinners blood is on our hands too? Were is that said? Is it in the same place I read it?

2. Faceless coward from the Mayor’s Office blocks our relief from crime:

I made an attempt to have no parking sings put up to help clear up the streets and start to get the problem people and their vehicles away from us.

The results were no parking signs at the intersection only. Victims Assistance and the City Engineer Department were going to help us get one in front of our home; however, they stopped helping us. I was told by Victims Assistance someone in power at the Mayor’s office is involved and doesn’t want us to have the help. As seen from some of my video coverage, people that look like T. J. would park in front of our home, and use the excuse that the vehicle(s) is park there to hang out as a prelude to harassment.

 3.  Some Police Officers taking the side of bigots:

I was told J. J. was seen with some papers in his had getting in the front of a police car that did not pull up to the front of there home that had no cars parked in front of it, but directly in front of our home that already was cluttered with cars around it.

4.  Bigots wasting City of Akron resources:

I was then informed that people acting and looking like T. and J. J. were downtown at the police department knocking on everyone’s door to stop us from putting up the no parking signs. What was interesting was, the City Engineers were the ones that zoned the area no parking and put the signs up. People that looked like the J. even went to the homicide division complaining.  What in the world would homicide have to do with parking anyway?  I have my own theory on what they were attempting to do at that point.  Maybe even try to plant seeds of biases to people that might investigate one of use getting killed like were had been revealingly threatened? Who knows?

5.  Negative effect on communities continues:

After that, the following petition was rejected by the City Engineers who also told me they might have to file a police report themselves for someone keeps taking down their signs and stealing them:

“By signing this petition you are requesting the removal of the NO PARKING signs on Breckenridge St. We feel there is no need for the NO PARKING signs in front of 1074 and 1078 Breckenridge St.:

Signed by what appears:

T. J. 1074 Breckenridge

Denis Harpster 1078 Breckenridge

R., Toth 1087 Breckenridge

Larry Kurtz 2946 Popham

Lucille Hamilton 2934 Pophan

Rover Brant 2928 Pophan

Linda Bryan 2928 Popham

(not legable) 1084 Winston

Roer Rhin 2937 Pophan

R. B. 1066 Breckenridge

Rachel B. 1066 Breckenridge

Ramona Sikiehl 1064 Breckenridge

B. B. 1088 Breckenridge

Helen Clay 1094 Breckenridge

Lynn Hammick 1097 Breckenridge

Alex Bressluer 2943 Popham

Gwenn Bresslauer 2943 Pophan

As can be seen, some of these people did not even live near the intersection or on any street that intersected it. I believe some of the signatures might be questionable.

6.  Sale of my Mother-In-Laws Property:

Lets me speculate again that what can be even more amazing about one of the problem child’s actions for it is impossible to believe that some of these people act this way when their mother is a Sunday School Teacher for the Akron Batist Temple (photo 12)and real estate agent for Hunter Reality under Coldwell Bankers.  Could that be true?  Let’s continue with the speculation.  What could also be interesting is that before were had problems, some other people had similar problems, such as being harassed, then a family member related to the harassers attempts to get into the home of purchase the home of the people being harassed and want to leave at even less than fair market value of the home.   Let’s say that the police department was notified, would they do anything about it?  My educated guess is no. 

Lets say, in my Mother-In-Laws case, while also my own Mother was starting to experience problems, some one tried to treat the sale of my Mother-In-Laws Home as if it was a foreclose. After many counter offers, someone tried to pull another fast one with some alleged zoning issue and bring down the value of the home. Lets continue the speculation and say that a family member related to the hate group members told me about a history of some type of property hostelling related to harassment of this type.  Thus it could have been that someone like me had set the ground work ahead of time to stop any attempts to stop the sale of the home or attempts to bring down its value.  Thus via the City Zoning Office, before the home going up for sale, set the ground work to put a stop to the game(s) predicted. It worked.  Then, lets say that I announced to purchase the house myself, with all types of permits, request for large sound barriers, elaborate camera systems and security quotations from contractors to watch the traffic patterns that existed that was focused in front of the next door neighbors home and ours, no parking signs, block watch programs, more street lighting, Sheriff intervention request, putting up large flood lights, etc, In 24 hours, it appeared the bid went up $20,000.

Well, enough of the speculation, now for some more information. Tracey Jones, Jeff Jones, and Chris Delong, purchased my Mother-In-Laws home and the real estate agent was Linda Delong, Tracey and Chris's mother.  Could the above speculation apply to them?  Linda Delong appeared to be so spiteful that they refused to be in the same room of my brother-in-law who was the Power of Attorney and making the arrangements to sale the home.  He never seen any of the buyers faces for they stayed in the next room while they insisted that my brother-in-law stay in his room.  I wonder what part of Sunday School teaching that is which Linda Delong might be educating at the Akron Baptist Temple.  After the sale, from what I was told, someone violated the law by moving in under the 24 hour legal waiting period to process all the paper work. I also understand someone made fun of our agent and bad mouth her everywhere they could. I also understand that someone took down the real estates agents sign themselves, etc. They moved in immediately and that night someone trespassed onto one of our new properties to leave nasty notes about how they think they won. Please see "text of note" section on bottom of the “home” page. The police was given this note, but from what I understand, none of the suspects were talked to. We moved, and they still come around harassing us. It has been over 5 years of harassment, etc.

Section 5:  What some others have to say about these events:

1.  David Reymann:

What did dedicated to serve David Reymann (D) for council have to say about this stuff in an email to me asking him, if he was elected, what can he do about the problem.

“Bigotry is everywhere it is not new and it will not go away. My grandfather had crosses burned in his yard, my dad was shunned by his own family because he married a person of the Jewish faith and I was picked on in the army by blacks because I was white. You never forget things like this but you must cope with them. Life goes on.”

Then the last thing he wrote and never responded to me again or even call me was:

“Mr. R____, I do not condone bigotry. If I am elected to office I will follow up on all claims of alleged misdeeds of any city employee but I will not go on any witch hunts. In the future I will need to know more about you before any more communications with you. Please understand I must know to whom I am communicating with. Dave”

Well, I never heard from him again after sending him everything he needs to know who I was, where I lived, my phone number, ect. From what I believe, never returned a call. So I suppose he went on with his life.

2.  ACLU of Ohio:

My Aunt, who is a member of the ACLU had referred me to the people in this organization in Ohio for she felt they could help me. Even after referencing to some of the ACLU own citations of what they believe in and how it applies to us, they response was that “

“You do not really understand what your rights and liberties are, thus put you name on our mailing list and we will send you the information that you need to know.”

They sent me nothing but spam mail like:

ACLU of Ohio Brown Bag Lecture July 8: The Creationism Controversy 7/1/04 3K

ACLU of Ohio Save the Date! Abu Ghraib Program at ACLU Jul. 20 6/30/04 3K

ACLU of Ohio Say No to the Federal Marriage Amendment 6/28/04 3K

ACLU of Ohio Crossdressing 101: The Power of Successful Crossdressing 6/24/04

ACLU of Ohio Thursday Webcast - Cleveland Hts Domestic Partnership Initiative

ACLU of Ohio Brown Bag this Thursday: More People = More Power 6/22/04 3K

ACLU of Ohio For Better or for Worse? A Debate on Same-Sex Marriage in Ohio

ACLU of Ohio Bearing Witness: The Death Penalty in Ohio 6/8/04 3K

ACLU of Ohio USA PATRIOT Act fight comes to Ohio! 6/4/04 3K

ACLU of Ohio ACLU of Ohio Student Leaders Converge for Activism Seminar

ACLU of Ohio 5/26, 6/2 Supreme Decisions | 5/26 MATRIX webcast 5/24/04 2K

ACLU of Ohio Privacy, Prejudice and Prosecution: HIV and Civil Liberties 5/18/04

ACLU of Ohio March for Women's Lives - Post-March Celebration!

ACLU of Ohio May 6 ACLU Rebels With a Cause 4/29/04 3K

ACLU of Ohio See you at the March for Women's Lives! 4/22/04 3K

ACLU of Ohio SAFE AND FREE ALERT: Tell the Airlines to Protect Your Data and Your Safety! 4/19/04 5K

ACLU of Ohio Were you a victim of the "No Fly List?" 4/9/04 2K

ACLU of Ohio March for Women's Lives - Only 25 days left... 3/31/04 2K


I contacted them to ask where the information they promised me specifically is. They keep sending me junk mail.

I contacted the National Office to find the more of the same.

Then before I was taken off the mailing list, this only thing I received, even after a few phone calls with no returns was:

"We do not service to freedom when we suppress it in order to save it."

-J. Gamso

3.  Local NAACP of Akron:

They did talk to me on the phone to tell me in the end they can not help me for they only deal with matters that deal with large groups of people. “We do not handle neighborhood disputes” even though hate crimes and other crimes are being committed. The national number was more of the same.

4. The National NAACP refused to help us to.  All they did is tell us that people are allowed to express themselves and we should just consult with an attorney.  When the Imus issue came up, I asked is they were being hypocritical.  They did not respond.

5. State of Ohio:

Again, The State of Ohio (various departments including the National Guard which I am a member of), and other local enforcement agencies, etc. just would keep referring me to the Akron Police Department even after they have seen the problems continuing after years.  Mike Williams (Republican) (who ran against the Mayor): He was one of the only persons that truly made a caring impression and made attempts to change things. 

6. Councilman Freeman of Kenmore:

At least he did “some” things, as he told me that he would inform the police chief that some of the hate group members are not reporting the truth and attempting to confuse the Police Department with stories that we were the new family in the area that moved in after them. Freeman when to high school with my wife’s brother, thus he should be one that knows that we did not just fall “off the turnip truck”. The rest was more like he said he felt sorry we had bad neighbors and called my Mother-In-Laws son to convince us to move.

7.  Summerville:

Like the Mayor, Summerville never returned any phone calls or emails.  What doest he do.  Smiles for the camra, that is for sure.  Summerville made a big deal out of truck drivers (workers) parking their vehicles in neighborhoods.  He said "...he dos not want to see a home get sandwiched between two trucks..."  However, it appears he doesn’t mind if a home gets sandwiched and attacked by hate crimes and bigotry.  Summerville also said, related to the truck issue, he doesn’t want to see a small group of people harming the communities.  However, it appears he turns his back on the events I have presented to him.  Lastly, I believe he is not 100% for the people.  He is selective.  For example, were he goes to vote, the street has been a mess to drive on.  Pot wholes to the point there appears to be no street.  Right in front of a home for the elderly, sick, disabled, etc.  It has been that way for years.

Section 6: Sham on Akron City Zoning Department:

At one point, before we moved, we expanded the side of our drive way in order to park our cars near the home; away from the street and people harassing us.  The harassing people did not want that, they wanted us to park in the street were they appeared to have planed empty parking spaces that would require us to walk past their homes while they harass us. 

Some of the hate group members complained to the City Zoning Office that we expanded our drive and was not parking on the street.  It is noteworthy that one of the hate group members (R. B.) who works close to the City Zoning Office too.  We received a letter from Zoning threatening to prosecute us if we continued to park in that spot in front of the home.

After the bigot acting people purchased the home we use to live in, they parked the same way, and the Akron City Zoning told me that they were allowed to.  The Akron City Zoning Office was dishonest about why they sent us a letter about it, stating something about parking over the side walk, which we had never, did.  Even so, the same hate group members would park across their side walk, and even then, that was ok for them to do that.

Thus, different rules for different people, and it appears that some people at the Akron City Zoning Office appeared to attempt to block our attempts to get away from the people harassing us.  This completely discredits the work of a few from Zoning that attempted to help us at first, but appeared to change their direction after some political heat came from above.  To this day, we still do not know the name of or who the faceless coward is in power at the city that has been blocking us from keeping our rights and liberties.  Thus, some people at the Zoning office and higher up in the city system are bigot supporters and should be removed from their jobs.

 Section 7: Works Cited in Research Paper:

Blackwell, Angela Glover JD & Colmenar, Raymond MPP. “Community-Building: From Local Wisdom to Public Policy.” Public Health Reports - Focus on Healthy Communities. Vol 115 (March/April & May/June 2000): 161-166.

Brown, Repert. (Check this name: it might be Rupert.) “Henri Tajfel’s ‘Cognitive aspects of prejudice’ and the psychology of bigotry.” British Journal of Social Psychology 2002. Department of Psychology, University of Kent, UK (2002): 195-198.

Community Policing Program. <>. (December 1, 2003) 1-2.

Gullone, Eleonora. “The development of normal fear: A century of research.” Clinical Psychology Review. Vol. 20, wassue 4 (June 2000): 429-451.

Hartmann, Ernest & Basile, Robert. “Dream Imagery Becomes More Intense After 9/11/01.” Dreaming Vol. 13, wassue 2 (June 2003): 61-66

Montgomery, Betty D. (Attorney General) “Picking up the pieces. Your Rights & Responsibilities as a Crime Victim.” Provided by Victim Assistance Program of Akron, Ohio.

Piotrkowski, Chaya S. PhD, & Brannen, Stephaen (You might want to check the spelling of this name.) J. PhD, Fordham University. “Exposure, Threat Appraisal, and Lost Confidence as Predictors of PTSD Symptoms Following September 11, 2001.” American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Vol. 72, No. 4 (2002): 476-485.

Walker, Samuel & Katz, Charles. “Less than meets the eye: police department bias crime units.” American Journal of Police. University of Nebraska at Omaha. Vol: 14, Wassue: 1 (April 1995): 29-48.

Section 8: Example of how some local prosecutors (City of Cleveland, Ohio) allowing hate crimes to continue:

At the same time, some news channels refused to cover our story, they covered other stories instead.  The Local Akron Beacon Journal said they will not cover our story for the truth would embarrass the Mayor of Akron, Ohio and they do not want the Mayor to take it out on them.

Story of Brian Hodous & Anger Management by Joe Russo

This blog has two related postings in it:

1. About Brian Hodous

2. Education on Anger Management

Do you know the Brian Hodous type?

Some people are narrow minded and focused on negativity, slamming others that do not look, act, or think the same regardless of the facts. This guy was arrested in 2003 for Ethnic Intimidation; the charges were dropped the next day by Cleveland prosecutors No surprise there! A news channel then learned of all the things Hodous did, other than Ethnic Intimidation, for which he was not charged. After the prosecutor discovered this case had made it to the news, Hodous was called back into the police department to be charged Again, no surprise there! I am sure he pleaded that he was an innocent person who was simply misunderstood and under stress from others. Oh boo hoo! Typical class act!

He threatened to kill store owners at a Convenient Food Mart with a gun, damaged their store with a baseball bat, and then, ran his car into the building. Hodous claimed they do not belong in the United States and should go back home, as he also said he hated Jews and Arabs (witness and News Channel 5 reports). I also believe he went on to claim that the only religion that exists is Christianity; anything else is the Devil’s work. I believe he also asserted that anyone that did not celebrate Christmas should die.

The owners of the Convenient Food Mart were of a religion that also celebrates the birth of Christ and even pointed out to Hodous that they had a Christmas tree in their store and all the messages of celebrating Christmas. Even with this man standing in rage with a baseball bat ready to do damage, the owners asked Hodous to see the facts. Hodous just perceived them as “going on.” He had already made up his mind. He was close minded even as he declaimed the communications gap between himself and certain others.

However, Hodous, like many who are too busy concentrating on the negative side of things, emphasized the negative while discarding the good. In the end, all people like Hodous are doing nothing but developing their own fictional world clouded by poor judgment and grasped by things that some people get caught up in.

To determine whether a person is a Hodous type, the following indicators are helpful:

Such people engage in direct or indirect name calling, labeling, and judging. Hodous could have friends that only amuse themselves in conversations about a third party. Their reality could be a false sense that others are a direct or indirect threat, while they themselves are a threat to others. It is all in the perspective of the individual. They believe that other beliefs are just something people blindly follow, while at the same time, they follow their own beliefs with a sword, baseball bat, words, actions, etc.

With all my years of investigation and research, I find that some actions are a result of smoke and mirrors. Whether people use ethnic intimidation or not and whatever religion(s) or other beliefsthey espouse, their actions are motivated by their own hidden agenda. Some people do this in an attempt to try to control everything and everyone around them. One thing is certain, these are not the misunderstood or drunken episodes of Otis (the town drunk) on the Andy Griffith Show. Oops, just seeing if you were paying attention.

2. Education on Anger Management

I was filing some folders away and found some works of my notes from an anger management course offered to veterans: Though it is interesting, people pay lost of money for information like this, it was free to me due to my military status and veteran status:

I. Core Class of Anger Management:




Per Webster’s Dictionary:



1: Anger, a strong feeling of displeasure and usu. Of antagonism. 2: rage

Also: “Your own frustration at your inability to control someone or something”

Yet, over what do we have control? Your jobs? Your home? Your significant other?



In the end a person owns:


1. Behavior/Actions


2. Emotions/Feelings


3. Thoughts


4. Attitude


How often, when you tell yourself you are angry are you really feeling something else – like hurt, embarrassment, humiliation, frustration, confusion….?

Anger = Emotion

Aggression = a way of interacting and communicating


II. Anger may serve many functions:


Provides energy

Prompts us to change

Expresses how we feel

Defends us against anxiety, hurt and fear

Gives us a sense of justice

Provides us with information

Influences others


Spurs aggression to defend ourselves



However, more likely to occur when:


Physically ill



Time pressured

Frustrated by not reaching goals


Positive Anger:

When would you want to get angry?

When would you expect someone else to get angry?

Negative Anger:

When would you not want to get angry?

When would you not want someone else to get angry?



VI. Anger Curve:



Goes from Triggers to Irritation then to








III. Result of too much anger:


Allergies, asthma and hay fever

Cardiovascular System can experience arrhythmia and an increased possibility of stroke. Also distress of coronary arteries and high blood pressure

Immune System: Reduced number of white blood cells with fight infection

Gastrointestinal system: Colitis, Diarrhea, Nausea, Ulcers

Genitourinary System: Menstrual problems, sexual dysfunction

Locomotor system: Rheumatoid arthritis, and muscle/joint pain.

Muscular system: Backaches, headaches, migraines

Skin: Acne, Dermatitis, Eczema

Other areas can be hindered such as liver to even aiding in mental dysfunctions (on of COPS most used terms).



IV. Triggers to anger can start at:


Long waits to see your doctor

Traffic congestion

Crowded busses

A friend joking about a sensitive topic

A friend not paying back money owed to you

Being wrongly accused

People not being upfront

Rude and disrespectful actions

Having to clean up someone else’s mess

Having an untidy roommate

Having a neighbor who plays the stereo to loud

Being placed on hold for long periods of time while on the telephone.

Being given wrong directions



V. Cues to anger: four cue categories


1. Physical –Examples: rapid heartbeat, tightness in chest, feeling hot or flushed


2. Behavioral – examples: pacing, clenching fists, raising voice, staring


3. Emotional – examples; fear, hurt jealousy, guilt


4. Cognitive/Thoughts – examples: hostile self-talk, images of aggression and revenge, also as they referred to in class was running away into a made up world and rejecting reality.


VI. Other terms issues were covered like respect for oneself and others:



Per Readers’ Digest Oxford Dictionary:


Deferential esteem felt or shown toward a person or quality.


Attention to or consideration (without respect to the results)

An aspect, detail, particular, etc.

Reference, relation (a morality that has no respect to religion)

A person’s polite messages or attentions (given my respects to your mother)

Regard with deference, esteem, or honor.

Avoid interfering with, degrading, insulting, injuring, or interrupting.

Treat with consideration

Refrain from offending, corrupting, or tempting, etc.