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The City of Akron's Mayors Office claims this is not a hate crime!
Supporting Documents

OK, So what is a hate crime?

Is it the hatred, or who is being hated?

Is the hate crime only for certain nationalities or people?

Please help me build this research paper and tell me what you think? Feel free to post comments at:

In my opinion,iIt is a crime, period!!!

In my opinion, The City of Akron Mayors Office appears not to understand that, most likely due to some type of connection with the bigots.

Now this is a theoretical question. How would the Mayor act?:

1. Do you believe that Akron Police could be bias?

2. Do you believe that some Akron Officers do not report the truth?

3. After reading this short passage bellow, does the information change your answer to both one and two above?


After we moved I turned in some evidence to the City of Akron Police Departments Complaint officer and received a letter stating:

“The investigation into the complaint that you filed (06c026) has been completed. Sgt Garro through his investigation has concluded that the complaint should be classified as SUBSTANTIATED. This means that the facts obtained support the complaint. If you have any questions concerning these findings, feel free to contact Sgt. Garro at 330-375-2193 from 3:00 pm to 11:00 p.m.”

That one complaint was about the simplest form of selective law enforcement and the repeating occurrence of some police officers allowing the hate group members to violate laws and ordnances as the police officer would falsely report nothing was going on. A recorded video supporting the truth of the event was provided with my complaint.